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New art and wellness project in Launceston

People in the Launceston area are being encouraged to get involved in a new art project, which focuses on wellness and celebrating the female body.

Doctor Charlotte Patton, a local GP working at St Austell Healthcare and Nuffield, is leading a new project for women in Launceston to ‘celebrate the female body through art’ as an extension of the work she has been doing recently with medical students from Exeter University.

Launceston Women’s Health Art Project will welcome people from different community groups to take part in a series of sessions that are set to launch this autumn and winter. From local school groups and mother and baby groups, to individuals being brought together to take part, the project will encourage everyone to share experiences, practice acceptance and learn more about the female body through the power of art and creativity.

Dr Patton will be sharing her knowledge to guide each participant in creating their own small piece of art. The individual pieces will then be collated to form one large art piece for display in the local community.

Dr Patton hopes the project will spark some positive change in Launceston. She said: “The aim is for the creation of the artwork by the participants and the viewing of the final piece by the public to remove barriers and taboos surrounding the female body, which I believe is so greatly needed, not only in this community, but in most communities.”

While the project is still in the early stages of planning, and with hopes for some funding support, Dr Patton has already received a lot of interest from local community groups, and hopes that even more people and organisations will come forward to take part in the sessions, which will be led by local artists and health professionals, alongside Dr Patton.

Workshops are set to start in December, plus a introduction and welcome session will be held on Friday 22nd November, 10am, at Launceston Health Hub, launching the 12-month project. Find the group on Facebook - 'Launceston Women's Health Art Project' and follow Charlotte on Instagram: @cornwall_womens_doctor


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